Monday, August 18, 2008


Sunday 17th August - 02:35 am

Roger Federer and Stan Wavrinka win the gold in the double competition. Everyone at the HoS cheers this great result: the medal ceremony is on all the TV screens, the Swiss national anthem is playing. The Swiss Olympic protocol calls for the presence of all medal winners at the House of Switzerland: they will come for sure, but when. The fans line-up, Manuel Salchli from Presence Swiss, Werner Augsburger from Swiss Olympic and Eddy Rudolf meet for the security briefing. The cocktails cool and clean are ready. After waiting more than 2 hrs, here they come. the crowd goes wild. Manuel interviews Stan (in French), Roger (in German). more cheers. Having lost in the single and the Number 1 spot, this Olympic Gold medal is just what the doctor ordered... The press conference starts, we leave and finally get to go to bed. On Sunday afternoon, our students confirm: the true mission of the House of Switzerland is where the athletes celebrate their fantastic achievement with family, coaches, friends. After eating many raclettes, DJeing and more, Roger Federer left the HoS at 07:00 am directly for the airport on his way to New York, what a night!

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