Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Back: l.to.r. Matthew, Heidi, Lawrence, Lei
Front: Drusilla, Serena, Jason, Miao, Celia

A large number of "César Ritz" Alumni were present at the House of Switzerland to attend the "César Ritz" Colleges-Matterhorn Region event. It was really impressive to see so many former students taking time off from their extremely busy schedule (hey the Olympics are in town) to join the party, mingle with their colleagues and enjoy a great meal including Walliser Teller, Fendant and Dole! H. Fournier welcomed the group to the "compulsory dinner" like old times in the Bouveret Dining Room! Lawrence and Heidi win the prize for traveling the furthest (they drove in from Shanghai, about 12 hrs).

The birthdays Steffi, Fides and Yves

It was a very special night for our alumni Steffi Hoffling who was celebrating her birthday. She is the banquet manager at the HoS in Beijing, worked both in Torino and in Athens. Every four years, she gets to celebrate her birthday at the Olympics, not bad! Our student Fides was also celebrating her birthday, she works in kitchen and she got to make her own cake.

Dan Aylmer (right) GM at the Westin listening in to Katharina Rust from the Kempinski
and Julian Darisse from the China World Shangri-La

Sebastian, Crystal and Kitty

Crystal, Hanli Lin, Jie Sun and Mr and Mrs Fournier

Ken and Frieda

Birthday girl Steffi with Eddy Rudolf HoS Project Manager

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